Recent publications

Colman A, Hogg JM, Richards B
Multiple logic errors in the algorithm for the detection of falls using mobile phone technology.
Age and Ageing [ eLetter ], 17 October 2013.
( accessed September 2014 )

Colman A, Athey R, Richards B.
Flawed logic, duplicate and missing data make the opioid algorithm in Figure 2 unusable.
British Medical Journal [ eLetter ], 02 July 2014.
( accessed September 2014 )

Colman A, Richards B.
Clinical Algorithm makes poor use of the flow chart format.
British Medical Journal [ eLetter ], 03 August 2014.
( accessed September 2014 )

Colman A, Richards B.
Clinical Algorithms: purpose, content, rules, and benefits.
International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare. 2014 ( 2 ), 28 –40.
( accessed April 2015 )

Colman A, Richards B.
The Diagnostic Algorithm in Figure 1 is confusing.
British Medical Journal [ eLetter ], 27 April 2015.

McGill P, Colman A
he modified NICE Flow Chart for the Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer
in Primary Care shown in the Figure lacks logical organisation and
contains multiple errors.
British Medical Journal [ eletter ], 28 September 2015.

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